Bi-Annual cleanings sets your child up for success!

Dr. Emily Park

Dr. Emily Park
Dr. Emily Park hails from Northern California and became a long term East Coaster when she started her dental program at New York University. She met and married her husband, a long time Long Islander, sealing her fate to be a New Yorker forever. They have three children, and live on the Upper West Side. 

Dr. Park’s favorite thing about being a general dentist is making meaningful connections with her patients and empowering her patients to own their dental health through dental education. She is passionate about restoring form and function to people’s smiles and loves getting to know her patients in the process. She has practiced in several private offices in Manhattan since 2006, and joins Tribeca North with the hopes to continue doing what she loves.
New York University, 7yr B.A./D.D.S. program 1998-2005
North Shore Hospital, Manhasset - General Dentist Residency 2005-2006
North Shore Hospital, Manhasset - General Dentist Chief Resident 2006-2007
fun facts
- Dr. Park is a leftie.
- She likes to do tangrams.
- One food she cannot live without is kimchi.
Academy of General Dentistry
Elite Invisalign Provider
American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
American Dental Association

Tribeca North Dentistry is hereto make you smile.